�Survey says��

Years ago, I used to love to watch �Family Feud.� Mostly, I wondered how many of the female contestants Richard Dawson would kiss. I suspect that, in today�s PC word, he wouldn�t even take the chance.
Which brings me to a phone call I received last week. One of our carriers, with whom I�ve done business for almost 20 years, called to see why I wasn�t writing very much with them lately, and if there were things they could either do, or stop doing, which might entice me to place more of my business with them.
I�m always happy to talk with carriers about these issues. For one thing, it gives me an opportunity to vent to someone at the home office. For another, I�ve become concerned lately because I�ve been putting so much business with one carrier (not the one which called), and I really value my independence. So, if I can spread a little more of the business around, I�d be happier.
In any case, we discussed some of the issues which cause an agent to use Carrier A over Carrier B. Price is important, of course, but it�s only part of the mix. I have no problem suggesting to a client that they pick Carrier B, even though their rates are a bit higher, if they offer superior service, or easier underwriting, or better plans. But the rates do need to be competitive; as it stands, Carrier B is usually 15% to 20% higher than Carrier A for similar plans, and they are much more difficult in their underwriting. Their after-sale service is superb, but you have to get the case sold - and issued - first.
Another reason I�ve been using Carrier A so much is that, unlike Carrier B (the one which called), they offer 6 different underwriting classes, versus only 3 for Carrier B. And also unlike Carrier B, they don�t �rider� (exclude) conditions or benefits. That is, if Joe Shmo has had a knee replaced, Carrier A will charge him more, but won�t exclude the knee or medications. Carrier B, tho, will often do both: exclude the condition (at least for a year or two) AND charge a higher premium. I just don�t think that�s right.
You may have noticed one aspect of the sales situation which I haven�t mentioned: commissions. Truth be told, I often don�t even know what commissions are paid on which cases. Generally, the carriers all pay more or less the same amount. So that really hasn�t been a factor in my choices of where to place business.
All in all, it was an interesting conversation (at least from my end!). I�m looking forward to seeing what, if any, changes Carrier B makes in order to increase their market share.
It�ll be interesting to watch.


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