Putting the middleman back in?

No kidding.
But this article focuses on an area that, until recently, hasn�t had a lot of media play: personal health care advocates. These folks will help you make sense of the bill you just got from the hospital, or help you determine whether you need a referral for that knee surgery. And the service costs just $400 a year for a family.
I looked through their website, and they seem to offer a great array of these types of benefits. Basically, they become your personal HR department.
I have mixed feeling about this. On the one hand, as a professional agent, I expect that my clients will call me when they have questions on their bills, or an issue about coverage. So on that level, I resent that they�re paying someone else to do my job.
On the other hand, clients who use this service cease being my service problem, and I can devote more time to sales (which is how I earn a living). It�s not that I mind doing the service work � I don�t � but hey, this takes some pressure off of me, and they�re not really my competition.
But there�s a part of me that is concerned that, if and/or when there comes a major claim dispute, or a substantial coverage issue, I�m going to have to become involved anyway, but I�ll have no knowledge or records of what has transpired thus far, thereby severely hampering my ability to help resolve the problem.
I�m going to noodle on this one a while�


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