And no, that�s not redundant. Most agents, and most companies are not inherently evil, although a lot may be shortsighted. According to , despicable means: �worthy only of being despised and rejected.� And to which nasty practice do I refer? This one: " Dear terrorists, new firman issued. Kill 10, take a branded T-shirt and be best terrorist in the group. Jehad begins from July 18-20 � Osama bin Laden.�� It is creative minds at work at ICICI-Prudential Insurance Company, exhorting local agents to go for a �sales kill�. The new strategy was aptly named �MissionJehad�. In a meeting of the company�s agents on Tuesday night, employees were asked to adopt the �binLaden strategy�, ie, one terrorist killing 10 people. Here, though, jehad meant sale of insurance policies . As I said, this is absolutely the most disgusting insurance idea I have EVER seen. And in over 20 years in the biz, I've seen a few. Now, according to A M Best , the �Prudential� in this case is Prud...