
Medical Tourism: An Ugly Turn

Back in October, a realtor from Dallas took a trip south of the border for some body work (rhinoplasty and a breast enhancement tune-up). What seems like fairly routine procedures led to some pretty serious complications, and ultimately took her life. But there's a larger lesson in this, one having to do with getting what one pays for, at least according to her attorney: " So that her death is not in vain, people should think of Laura before they look for cross border discount surgery ... Always LOOK before you leap !" Always sage advice, and it appears that Ms Avila had done her homework: " Laura's fiance Enrique Cruz said he had researched the clinic and found positive reviews online ." Which may or may not be worth the pixels they're printed with. I don't really think that one can generalize from this that medical tourism is inherently more dangerous than care we receive here, but it's worth noting that it's not necessarily worth the savi...

A Blessed Thanksgiving

There's a theory that the original Thanksgiving celebration, and the holiday itself, is modeled on the Jewish Festival of Sukkoth (Tabernacles). The idea is that they're both harvest festivals that take place in the Fall, and that the Pilgrims, as religious folks, would have looked to the Bible for inspiration. The reality is that it's highly unlikely to be true , but it's always fun to speculate on these kinds of connections. A joyous and blessed Thanksgiving to all of our readers!

Pre-65 Medicare Health Insurance

It's currently Open Enrollment season for both ObamaPlans and Medicare Supplements. The former has been a bit frustrating (the only non-Medicaid carrier available in this market has a *very* narrow network) and I've been referring the latter out for many years. But it got me to thinking that perhaps it's time to reprise another of my former gig's posts: For millions of younger Americans with health problems, Medicare may be available to cover medical expenses. This would include those with long-term disabilities or who have been diagnosed with specific diseases or health conditions, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or end-stage renal disease. As with those who qualify due to their age, though, Medicare itself doesn't cover everything, and some form of supplemental coverage may be desirable. What's the problem? During surgery, a client's adult daughter was deprived of oxygen for many minutes, resulting in brain damage that left he una...

MVNHS� hates women, too

We've long known that the Much Vaunted National Health Service� really doesn't like kids: " [I]t's actually cost the MVNHS� more money to fight his being flown elsewhere for treatment at his parents' expense ." Turns out, the health "care" scheme doesn't much like their mom's, either: " Error means 48,000 women have not received cervical cancer screening information " To be fair, this mistake was made by an MVNHS� vendor, not the service itself. Still, the buck pound sterling has to stop somewhere . And hey: Free! [Hat Tip: FoIB Dutch R ]

CanuckCare� Gone ... Wrong?

Earlier this month, we reported on a service available to our Neighbors to the North� that helps them obtain health care while they can still use it: " Check out Timely Medical Alternatives in Canada, which specializes in helping Canadians find affordable care (for cash payment) instead of waiting in the queue ." Well apparently that isn't sitting too well with the rocket surgeons who run the country's free health "care" system: Canadian Hospital Waiting Room Promotes Euthanasia � �e Political Hat with "Ralph" The Wonder Llama (@ThePoliticalHat) November 14, 2018 Ooops.

Medicare - New rates for 2019, some history too.

About one month ago (October 12) CMS announced the Medicare cost-sharing factors for 2019. The table below compares 2019 with 2018, together with a couple of historical years.                                                                                                                                    2019     ...

Health Care Sharing Ministries in the crosshairs

This just in: " Nebraska published a consumer alert about health care sharing ministries - consumers should be aware of the significant limitations (like no-legal-responsibility-to-pay-claims-level limitations) " Why this is just now being treated as "breaking news" is beyond me: we've been pointing out these very real problems for years: " My claim from October had still not been paid. Yesterday I received a notice dated April 19, 2017 that since I was no longer a paying member my medical claims are no longer eligible for payment! " Of course, the se plans h ave their good sides, as well: ACA-compliant, relatively inexpensive, often include decent benefits (and omit unnecessary ones that tend to drive up rates). But as I point out to my own clients , they aren't insurance, so there's really no recourse if they decline a claim or simply fold up shop. And, as the report points out, there are often significant limitations in what's covered...